
The Ionian University announces the third TTTlabs BioFeral.BeachCamp (BFBC): New Repro-FlaOctomingopus (NR-FO) - Non-Human Bioart/Bodyart on the Beach an open call for the following fields of expertise: Bioartists, Performance Artists, Gynecologists, Biologists, Video Jockeys (VJs), Biohackers / Makers, Body - Horror / Science - Fiction Writers, Science Technology Studies Scholars, New Reproductive Technology Specialists, Body Artists, Psychologists, Genetic Counselors and Animal Studies Ethnographers / Scientists or other related fields. 

The organization offers workshops, as well as accommodation and food, free of charge to a limited number of participants (max 8). Evaluation of candidates is made by a qualified international selection committee. Selection criteria are the proposed project and relevant experience to the object of the call demonstrated in the application form. The organization is committed to gather a diverse group of participants (age, gender identification, origin, sexual orientation, class, differently abledness, and any other underrepresented or divergent non-normative groups) willing to explore advances in new reproductive technology through informal education and DIY methods

Applications are open until 15 June 2024. Results to be announced on 30 June 2024.

Important: read the disclaimer and details on location before applying.

To apply please fill out the form:

Updated: 26-05-2024
The application period has concluded. Thank you for your interest.

Funded by

Rewilding Cultures
Ionian University


Projekt Atol Institute
Cultivamos Cultura
Catch / Helsingør Kommune
Udruga Radiona
Bioart Society
AVarts Dept
InArts Lab
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