Assimina Kaniari received her doctorate from the Department of Art History, University of Oxford, working under Martin Kemp on the location of the ornament in 19th century science and aesthetic theory. She is currently an Assistant Professor in European Art History at the Department of Art History and Theory of the Athens School of Fine Arts teaching special themes and survey courses in 19th century art history and special topics on the histories of modern and contemporary art at the MFA. She has held visiting posts at the University of Oxford (Academic Visitor and Faculty member, Department of Art History 2006 – 2010) and the University of Leiden (Scaliger Fellow, September 2009). She is the co-editor of Martin Kemp’s Festschrift volume Acts of Seeing.Artists, scientists and the history of the visual. A volume dedicated to Martin Kemp (Zidane Press, 2009) and author of the monograph The museum as a location of art history: collections, exhibitions and the art 19th -21st century [In Greek]. [To Μουσείο ως χώρος της Ιστορίας της Τέχνης: εκθέσεις, συλλογές και η Τέχνη από τον 19ο στον 21ο αιώνα, Αθήνα: Γρηγόρη, 2013; 2015]. Her research focuses on the relations of art and science in aesthetic theories and art practices from the long 19th century to now, the history of collections and exhibitions and the historiography of art. Most recent project an edited volume on Bio art, forthcoming in 2017 with contributions by Martin Kemp, Kathy High, Marta De Menezes, Suzanne Anker among others.
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