Accreditation ESPA
ernest goodmaw

ernest goodmaw is the eldest child to Alex & Adrienne Goodman, raised in a small mountain town of Lenapehoking territory, New York. Their neighbors might describe them as a DIYer, former school teacher, sibling of four, and the person in the community who is always ‘trying something new’.

They work in perpetual inquiry, in conversation with the seen and unseen. Their work is both a literal and figurative dance between performance & prayer, sculpture & poetry, maintenance & ritual. It invites others into an often playful space of wonder and critical reflection. Their work is most often offered to local community for free as both an offering and a bridge—a way to rekindle our own belonging, and expand our sense of what is possible when we allow our imagination to liberate us, together.

Academic Advisor: Panagopoulos Iakovos

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