Christie is a queer artist and designer. Through a feminist critique she experiments on biomateriality and wearables by intersecting textile innovation, costume design, biohacking and sextech. Her artistic exploration of (trans)feminist activism and hacker culture is expressed through interactive and performative aesthetics to inspire and provoke debate and critical reflection on taboos and stigma related to sexuality, pleasure and hybrid identities. With Giulia Tomasello she co-founded Bruixes_Lab, a nomadic laboratory where biohacking and witchcraft rituals are performed to create speculative scenarios about pleasure and experimenting with DIY sensor circuits to hack the experience of arousal and decentralise the normative binaries of sexuality and bodies.They participated in TTT Conference in Malta, led workshops in Observatorio del Placer in BCN, Ars Elektronika in Linz, MU Hybrid Art House in Eindhoven, III Instrument Inventors in the Hague and much more.
Academic Advisor: Tsiridou Tania