Accreditation ESPA

Applications for exemption from tuition fees for the acad. year 2024-2025 for the MARes "Master of Research in Hybrid Arts" based on article 86 of Law 4957/2022, Ministerial Decision 108990/Ζ1/16-9-2022 (Government Gazette 4899/2022 vol. B) as well as Ministerial Decision 41714/Ζ1/26-04-2024 (Government Gazette 2515/2024 vol. B')

Posted: 27-01-2025 13:42 | Views: 179
Start: 04-02-2025 |End: 10-02-2025
gr  pdf.png  Ministerial Decision 108990/Ζ1/16-9-2022
Size: 147.8 KB :: Type: PDF document
gr  pdf.png  Ministerial Decision 41714/Ζ1/26-04-2024
Size: 118.29 KB :: Type: PDF document

Students who wish to be exempted from tuition fees and meet the criteria set by law must submit an application with the necessary supporting documents attached from Tuesday 4 February 2025 until Monday 10 February 2025.

Specifically, the Application-Solemn Declaration should be addressed TO: Secretariat of the Postgraduate Program "MARes in Hybrid Arts" and include in statement:

EN "I have not made use of the right to exemption from tuition fees in a Postgraduate Program with the provision of article 86 of Law 4957/2022 and I do not receive a scholarship from another source. I am not a citizen of third countries."

GR “Δεν έχω κάνει χρήση του δικαιώματος απαλλαγής από τα τέλη φοίτησης σε Π.Μ.Σ. με τη διάταξη του άρθρου 86 του ν. 4957/2022 και δεν λαμβάνω υποτροφία από άλλη πηγή. Δεν είμαι πολίτης τρίτων χωρών.”

Only solemn declarations issued through the will be accepted. 

The submission of application and supporting documents mentioned in Ministerial Decision 108990/Ζ1/16-9-2022 (Government Gazette 4899/2022 vol. B) according to Ministerial Decision 41714/Ζ1/26-04-2024 (Government Gazette 2515/2024 vol. B') should be sent to the Secretariat of the MARes "Master of Research in Hybrid Arts" (all in one PDF file) via email to:, with subject "TUITION WAIVER - MARes of Research in Hybrid Arts". Applications sent after 10 February 2025 will not be considered.

MARes in Hybrid Arts
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