Το Τμήμα Τεχνών Ήχου & Εικόνας του
Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου σας προσκαλεί στη διάλεξη του κ. Malcolm Hawksford ,
Professor in the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering at Essex
University, United Kingdom και Director of the Centre for Audio Research and
Engineering, που θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμπτη 24 Μαΐου 2007 και ώρα 20:00 – 22:00 στην αίθουσα 3, του κτιρίου «Αρεταίος», με θέμα:
«Surround sound and high resolution audio »
High-quality audio systems now embrace multi-channel sound as a means of
creating a more exciting and compelling auditory experience. A multitude of
coding and decoding formats exist that range from esoteric DVD-audio and
Super-Audio CD (SACD) through to lossy CODECs such as Dolby digital and DTS,
which have crossed over from commercial cinema to domestic home theatre. The
lecture will discuss issues arising within this broad field of engineering
and introduce the signal theory behind DVD-A and especially the SACD format.
Malcolm Hawksford received a B.Sc. degree with First Class Honours in 1968
and Ph.D degree in 1972 both from the University of Aston in Birmingham. Dr
Hawksford is director of the Centre for Audio Research and Engineering and a
professor in the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering at Essex
University, United Kingdom. His research and teaching interests encompasses
both analogue and digital systems with a strong emphasis on signal
processing and loudspeaker technology. In 1986, his research into digital
crossover networks and loudspeaker equalization resulted in the development
a novel prototype active digital loudspeaker system which was demonstrated
at the Canon Research Centre, Tokyo. The research was sponsored by Canon. In
recognition of his contributions to the Audio Engineering Society (AES), he
received the prestigious AES Publications Award for the best contribution by
an author of any age as well as the AES Silver Medal for “major
contributions to engineering research in the advancement of audio
reproduction”. Additionally, Dr Hawksford is a chartered engineer and a
fellow of the AES, the Institution of Electrical Engineers, UK (IEE) and the
Institution of Acoustics (IOA). He currently chairs the AES Technical
Committee on High-Resolution Audio at AES and is a founder member of the
Acoustics Renaissance for Audio (ARA).
Surround sound and high resolution audio |
Δημοσίευση: 24-05-2007 15:12 | Προβολές: 2693
Σημαντική Ημερομηνία: 24-05-2007

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Τηλ.: 26610 87860-1 - Fax: 26610 87866
e-mail: audiovisual@ionio.gr
Τηλ.: 26610 87860-1 - Fax: 26610 87866
e-mail: audiovisual@ionio.gr