Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

11-13 November 2018, UNAM and CCD, Mexico

Rewilding Cultures Mobility Conversation grant 2023: selections made

Posted: 16-06-2023 13:21 | Views: 877

We want to thank everyone who applied for the Rewilding Cultures Mobility Conversation! We received over 100 applications and the Rewilding Cultures partner associations have now gone through all of the applications. Each partner association selected their own candidate, which means we were able to issue grants for 8 applicants.

In the end, Monique Besten (Schmiede Hallein), Anna Czaban (Ionian University), Shona Robin MacPherson (Projekt Atol), Jean Danton Laffert Parraguez (Radiona), Andrew Paterson (Bioart Society), Priiya Prethora (Culture Yard), Taylor Alaina Liebenstein Smith (ART2M / Makery) and Bartaku (Cultivamos Cultura) were selected to receive a grant for their project. Below are short introductions to all the selected projects.

Monique Besten will travel slowly from Barcelona to The Foundry to take part in the Territory Beyond State and Property project. The route will be improvised on the way, letting the road and the world guide her. Anna Czaban’s goal is to establish collaborations and research socio-artistic methods and tools for climate education with members of the Institute of Radical Imagination in Milano by participating in the Milan Worlds Congress for Climate Justice. Shona Robin MacPherson will attend a 3-week residency in Finland at Mustarinda with her collective, Those Who Possess Dirt (TWPD) and due to the grant she is able to bring her immediate family with her. Jean Danton Laffert Parraguez plans to visit a natural environment in the south of Chile for a residency period with indigenous communities (Mapuche) in the context of a program called “Valley of the Possible”. Andrew Paterson aims to explore a few potential future routes of human climate migration in reverse, from North to South, via land (bus) and sea (ferry). His aim is to connect Symbiocenic hosting with climate migration projects. Priiya Prethora is connecting the disappearing glaciers of her home in the Himalayas to the disappearing ice cover in the Alps. Her sound and movement project is a walking tribute to the most visible form of the climate emergency, the melting snow. Taylor Alaina Liebenstein Smith is slow travelling from Oslo to Concarneau and Paris to complete the project A familiar veil, in collaboration with the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) in Paris. The project reveals intricate relationships between photosensitive microorganisms (microalgae and bacteria) and human memories that collectively inhabit rural European landscapes. Bartaku will travel by land from Finland to Nice for the annual Contemporary Art Fair in Roquebrune-sur-Argens. During his travels, Bartaku will do research field trips and collect soil samples as part of new art and science research project Koelleven.

Rewilding Cultures (RC) is a Creative Europe collaboration project, which wants to reposition the wild within the field of art practices connecting to science and technology. As the European cultural sector has been and still is affected by multiple subsequent and coincident crises (incl. COVID-19, war-induced inflation, migration) we need to rewild on terms fit for the present and future.

Rewilding Cultures is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, which aims to support European projects in the field of cultural production and innovation. The partner associations include ART2M / Makery (FR), Bioart Society (FI), Catch (Helsingør Kommune) Center for Art, Technology and Design (DK), Cultivamos Cultura (PT), Ionian University (GR), Radiona (HR) Schmiede Hallein (AT) and Projekt Atol (SI) which leads the project. More information on the project available on the Rewilding Cultures website.

Rewilding Cultures is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, which aims to support European projects in the field of cultural production and innovation.

About Anna Czaban's project
Anna Czaban - cultural studies specialist, curator of contemporary art, facilitator, author of texts and artistic and social events. Between 2009 and 2015, she created the programme of Municipal Gallery Arsenał in Poznan. Since 2015 she has been a curator of exhibitions and social projects at the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle. She carried out long-term interdisciplinary projects, mainly at the intersection of contemporary art, activism, urban studies, architecture, botany, zoology and climate science. She cooperates with the Other Space Foundation. Member of Culture for Climate collective. The goal of the mobility is to establish collaborations and research socio-artistic methods and tools for climate education from members of the Institute of Radical Imagination in Milano, Italy, which is an organisation of curators, activists and culture producers with a shared interest in coproducing research, knowledge, artistic and political research-interventions, aimed at implementing post-capitalist forms of life. Anna Czaban would like to use the acquired tools and working methods in her work in Poland (the most in trainings for culture institution employees as a main Culture for Climate collective activity). She would like to combine her networking and research with active participation in the Milan Worlds Congress for Climate Justice organized by, among others, the Institute, on October 12-15, 2023. There is no existing funding to the mobility.


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