We would like to congratulate the following crew members of our TTTfellows: Art and Science Residency 2023 taking place on 17-30 April (online) and 1-16 May 2023 in-person on the island of Corfu.

Lyndsey (they/them) is an American artist, designer, writer/editor, and lecturer based in Berlin, DE. Their work explores the instability surrounding the cultural and social aspects of disease, identity, the body, death, human and non-human relationships, and speculative narratives on the future. Currently, Lyndsey is a visiting scholar and the resident artist at the Department of Experimental Biophysics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in collaboration with the UniSysCat Cluster of Excellence, and they guest lecture at various institutions and universities. Lyndsey is also a contributing writer for CLOT Magazine.

Dr. Aisen Caro Chacin is a regenerating composition of cells that produce a woman, artist, and animal whose migration patterns are not based on seasons, but rather, chance, chaos, and opportunity. She leads the medical prototyping lab at the University of Texas Medical Branch and is an Assistant Professor in Pathology at the School of Medicine. She is Adjunct Faculty at the School of Art at the University of Houston, where she also received her BFA. She is a founding board member of the Medicine and Arts Program at UCLA and holds an MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons the New School where she was also a teaching fellow. She received her Ph.D. in Human Informatics from the University of Tsukuba, Japan.
TTTfellowXprts are recognized for their unique art practice based research potential in the field of speculative artificial reproduction technologies. They provide their insights throughout the online running period of TTTfellows: Art & Science Residency.

J.J. Hastings has a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies, New York University (2002), ALM in Biology, Harvard University (2005), MSc in Bioinformatics, University of Oxford (2010), MFA in Art and Science, Central Saint Martins (2014) and PhD in Machine-Driven Biological Evolution, University of Melbourne (est 2023). Since 2009, J.J. Hastings has been a founding member, part of the leadership of multiple biohackspaces or community labs, including: London Biohackspace https://biohackspace.org, Biofoundry (Sydney) https://foundry.bio and Bioquisitive (Melbourne) https://www.instagram.com/bioquisitive. J.J. Hastings has served as an Expert Advisor and member of the GTECC for the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (Australia) and worked with the Health and Safety Executive (UK).

With a versatile profile that can adapt, deconstruct, negotiate and design multiple options and outputs for fertile projects, H C-(M)’s expertise involves the use of digital visuals, sound and speculative graphics/writing as mediums to develop aesthetic explorations. H C-(M) graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts at UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) in 2017 in Mexico City with a final thesis covering Big Oil Sponsorship in Arts and its ties with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010. Since then, H C-(M)’s interest has been shifting from subjects like Art & Anthropocene Studies, Nature & Society, Bionics & Design, Bioart, Diagnostics as a Field of Artistic Practice, Open Science Publishing, Music, among others. His practice includes texts for Revista Código, The Quietus, Netzpolitik /+, covering profiles like Eduardo Kac, Kenneth Goldsmith, Alessandro Delfanti, Bruce Labruce, Mat Dryhurst, Jeroen van Loon, Cryptome, Alexandra Elbakyan, among others - designing in collaboration with ICAyCC (UNAM), Rachel de Joode, Hackteria ZET, Angel Lartigue, Nero Magazine, Mutek Montreal x Shared Frequencies, Institute of Network Cultures - works for Urbanomic's PlaguePod, Zero Agency, - and residencies at The Other Radio, Rasclat, and currently at HKCR.
Feral Visitors

Rüdiger Wassibauer is the co-founder and director of the Schmiede Hallein, the playground of ideas. Schmiede is a large cooperative festival, where our ideas come to play, annually for 10 days since 2003. Rüdiger’s topics are community building, inspiration and the intersection between art and science, new media and maker movement with a focus on cooperation.

A freelance journalist with degrees in law and journalism, Elsa Ferreira specializes in technology, innovation, collaborative economy and music economy. Assistant chief editor of Makery since June 2022, Elsa Ferreira also works for publications such as Tsugi, Libération, Stylist, GQ or Rue89.

Erik Knudsen is a filmmaker and Professor of Media Practice at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in the UK, where he is also the Faculty Director of Research for the Faculty of Culture and Creative Industries. Prior to joining UCLan, Erik was a Professor of Visual and Digital Culture at Bournemouth University’s Media School. He has also been Professor of Film Practice at the University of Salford, Manchester, UK, where he was for a period of time Head of the School of Media, Music and Performance. During his many years at the University of Salford, Erik also acted as the University of Salford’s Director of Graduate Studies. As a multiple prize winning filmmaker, his most recent feature films include True Calling (88 minutes, fiction, 2021), Cleft Lip (84 minutes, fiction, 2018), The Raven On The Jetty (88 minutes, fiction, 2015).