Filmquiry or rebellious research – on filmmaking in academia
Date and Time: 29/05/2024 (09:00-11:30 EEST)
Location: Corfu Central Public Historical Library: room "Evi Laskari"

Many forms of filmmaking practice provide great potential for academic research. Filmmaking as research, however, shares the fate of other creative practices in academia – challenges concerned with the expectation of academic rigour and creative practice, evidencing the original contribution to knowledge, and managing the balance between the artistic, commercial and research side of it.

This talk with introduce the idea of filmquiry or filmmaking enquiry, as the idea of exploring the research potential through filmmaking practice. It will explore the main elements to consider when embarking on a filmmaking journey in an academic context.

It will be followed by a workshop where the participants will be invited to explore their own filmmaking practices and roles within and consider its research potential and the ways to explore it further.

The talk and workshop is aimed at individuals working with creative practice research, and filmmaking in particular.

Language of instruction: English

Workshops' Instructors
Agata Lulkowska

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