Digital video: Beyond the two dimensions
Date and Time: 20/05/2022 (12:00-14:00 EEST)
Location: Dept. AVarts room ΥΚ1

Digital video is one of the most basic means of audiovisual communication, found in a variety of formats, applications and platforms content sharing and in the context of artistic screenings and Installations. This seminar focuses on some of these formats such as 360° video, drone video, 3d video, hologram with photogrammetry, videogrammetry, LiDAR sensors, and volumetric video. It analyzes the content creation process and its further elaboration and examines how these forms can be combined to produce different forms of immersive experience and presentation. Related projects will be presented as well as techniques, tools and devices at the stage of production, post-production and presentation.

Language of instruction: Greek

Organized by: Tania Tsiridou and Ioannis Deliyannis 

Seminars' Instructors
Ioannis DeliyannisTania Tsiridou

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