timbi.world is am MMO game-like environment set in sunny Mozambique. Join calabash-made character Timbiliki@ on an epic journey across musical islands. Bang your wooden head to greet new friends; complete challenges to collect rhythmic energy; sweat your t-shirt at your favourite in-game music gig and climb the giant mwenge tree for the best view in the world! This videogame art holds a fundraising tool designed by Social Venture Keep it Human for Maputo Skate - a non-profit organisation in Africa focusing on ‘edu-skating’ programmes. This NGO aims to keep young people away from gang culture, drugs, alcohol and crime in Mozambique providing them with skating sports and education.
Website: https://timbi.world
Multiplayer game download: https://timbi.itch.io/timbiworld
Language of Instruction:
Requirements for participation:
Download the videogame prior to the workshop: https://timbi.itch.io/timbiworld

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