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AV-School Workshops | Seminars | Video Art: The use of Technology in Art
Video Art: The use of Technology in Art

Speaker(s): Marianne Strapatsakis, Painter, Video Artist, Former Associate Professor, Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University
Date & Time: 17/05/2016 15:00-18:00
Location: AVARTS Areteos, Room 3, Former Asylum
Language: Greek

In Principles of Research, A. Einstein stated that the artist, but also the scientist, substitute the empirical world with a self-created world, aiming to transcendence. The various forms of art: Literature, Poetry, Theater, Visual Arts, Photography, Cinema etc, always represented an investigatory process on matters of conceptual and visual articulation in order to create ideological, social, anthropological and scientific messages.

Every occurrence that we might call art is an attempt of noesis , an attempt to signify the world. If science proves, art signifies. Understanding of the world is an attempt beyond knowledge and it happens through technology.

Digital art, apart from the possibility to create images and sounds, it allows us to develop a language through which art’s investigatory process is formed in terms of creating and manipulating images, sounds and actions that can become a powerful virtual environment for education and research, promoting simultaneously Art and Digital Technology.

This workshop will comprise a theoretical and a practical part.
During the theoretical part of the workshop, we will present and analyze examples of recognized video artists, while during the practical part the participants will be invited to create their own work samples.

Workshops' Instructors
Marianne Strapatsakis

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