Participation of Interactive Arts Laboratory 'inArts' at the 16th Athens Digital Arts Festival (Athens, Greece, 8-18/10/2020)

Posted: 08-10-2020 17:27 | Views: 5813

The Interactive Arts Laboratory 'inArts' of the Department of Audiovisual Arts of the Ionian University participates in the 16th Athens Digital Arts Festival with 70 works by undergraduate, graduate students, students of the newly established OPEN ART Lifelong Learning Program, graduates and faculty.

Artistic works were submitted in the categories: Animation, Video Art, Documentary, Interactive Installations, Cartography and Audio.

The Exhibition is taking place in Asomaton square and the pedestrian street of Ermou (THISIO Station), from Thursday, October 8 until Sunday, October 18.

Screenings (IΠ1) and Audio (IΠ2) from October 8 to 18
Facilities (IΠ3 - IΠ6) from 9 to 11 October.

We invite you to attend the unique aesthetic Urban Event of the 16th Athens Digital Arts Festival with enthusiasm and responsibility.

The event will take place, taking into account all safety measures in accordance with the applicable instructions of the proper authorities for the security of public health by COVID-19, keeping the necessary distances.

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