AVARTS - CIAK project: "Memory Greece Italy" - Proposals for the production of 10 short movies

Posted: 21-12-2018 17:56 | Updated: 11-02-2019 21:03 | Views: 8584
    Full Text of Call Memoria CIAK 2018 [.v5]
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Ionian University represented by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts takes part in the project “Common Initiatives to AcKnowledge and valorize tourism potential of the programme area through cinema” (CIAK). CIAK is funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020. The Department of Audiovisual Arts is responsible for organizing and delivering the planned educational activities starting in 2019, as well as theme-specific festivals.

Particularly, CIAK project envisages a pilot action called “Memory”, with the purpose of producing 10 fiction short movies about the common history between Greece and Italy. Accordingly, the aim of the pilot action is to enhance the visibility and image of the involved areas (Apulia and the Greek regions of Epirus, Western Greece and Ionian Islands), their identities and common history, their natural and cultural heritage through the audiovisual tool, by giving this task to young under-35 directors coming from the involved territories, in order to make them active protagonists of their own lands’ cultural development.

The interested economic operators can send their application through digital platform:

Submission Period: 21-12-2018 17:00 - 18-02-2019 28-02-2019* 23:59 CET (UTC+1)

* That extension of the call will be the only as the time schedule of activities should not be upset  (article 6 of the public call).

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