This is a theory/practice-based lab that is going to offer a brief theoretical introduction to Butoh dance and a practical experimentation with Butoh as a method of inquiry of environmental urgency. The theoretical part of the lab (30 mins) covers elements of the history of Butoh dance, its historical and artistic context, the basic lines of artistic thought of the two founders/ dancers-choreographers of Butoh (Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno), and some examples of their practice. The practical part of the lab (45 mins) consists of a warm-up and physical experimentation with Butoh notation ‘Mother Sea’. The lab ends with a 15-20 mins feedback session among the participants.
Requirements to participate: Participants are invited to be dressed in comfortable clothes that will allow them to actively participate in floorwork. No prior experience of Butoh dance is required. It is compulsory that participants participate both in theoretical and practical strands of the workshop. It is not possible to observe the workshop without participating in it.
Language of instruction: Greek / English
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