StoryLab: Exploring ideas for screenwriting is a 3-day workshop based on ethnomediaology the principles of StoryLab International Film Development Research Network developed by Erik Knudsen. Other workshop versions of StoryLab have taken place in Colombia, Malaysia, Ghana and California. The Corfu workshop aims at the exploration of each participant’s personal voice in film writing through the creation of a short stories series in a limited fraction of time and the incentive of group collaboration techniques in audiovisual arts.
StoryLab: Exploring ideas for screenwriting 1
The first day will focus on a series of interactive lectures by Prof. Knudsen: the first one regarding the relation between feelings, creativity and story, and the second one entitled Guided Story Ideation Exercises.
StoryLab: Exploring ideas for screenwriting 2
The second day by Dr. Iakovos Panagopoulos and Prof. Erik Knudsen will focus on alternative paths for new directors and storytellers, while continuing the creation of small teams, the development of first ideas for stories will begin.
StoryLab: Exploring ideas for screenwriting 3
The third day, by Prof. Erik Knudsen and Dr. Iakovos Panagopoulos, will be dedicated to the creation of the participants' final stories based on the ideas previously explored. The workshop will close with an overall feedback and reflection on the stories created.
Requirements to participate:
Please bring a notebook.
Language of instruction:
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