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Hari Marini curates a series of workshops, artist talk & performance run by PartSuspended artist collective within AVSchool & Avfest, May 2022
Posted: 12-05-2022 12:04 | Views: 17768
Hari Marini and PartSuspended artist collective ( will run the following workshops, artist talk and performance work within AVSchool May 2022, open to all. PartSuspended’s projects follow an interdisciplinary approach and include live performance, movement, movement, sound, video-work, writing, participatory workshops, exhibitions and installations. Their work (...)
Preparation of ASH-Art, Science & Health MA programme in Croatia, Serbia and Greece
Posted: 06-04-2022 12:01 | Views: 5097
From February 2022, three Universities from Croatia, Greece and Serbia, along with one Croatian NGO partner, work on co-designing and testing a new, interdisciplinary MA programme named "ASH-Art, Science & Health". 
Call for Volunteers of the 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival
Posted: 01-04-2022 17:12 | Views: 26816
Attached files
en  doc.png  Application for Volunteers
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The Steering Committee of the 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival (#AVfest2022) of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, in collaboration with the ERHMEE Lab - Department of Music Studies, of the Ionian University invites students and anyone who is interested in joining the volunteers’ team.
15th Audiovisual Arts Festival [12/05 - 05/06/2022]
Posted: 10-03-2022 11:08 | Updated: 01-04-2022 12:04 | Views: 27280
The program of the 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival, which will take place on Μay 12th to June 5th 2022, covers, as every year, a wide range of artistic, educational and scientific activities.
Partnership for a new MA in “Art, Science and Health” integrated in Erasmus Mundus
Posted: 16-03-2022 07:42 | Views: 6083
Members of the InArts Lab - Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University. Dr. Dalila Honorato, Ms. Stella Lamboura, Ms. Marily Argyrokastriti and collaborating artist Dr. Adam Zaretsky participated in the kick-off meeting for the designing of the new international Master of Arts Programme “Art, Science and Health” (ASH ΜΑ), which took place 23-25 February 2022 in Zagreb.
Open workshops cycle in contemporary art and new technologies at the Ionian University [Corfu/online, 15-20 May 2022]
Posted: 10-03-2022 11:14 | Views: 7219
AV-school, the series of seminars and workshops of the Audiovisual Arts Festival, is taking place online this year from 15 to 20 May 2022.
Celebrating the closing of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival at the Ionian University
Posted: 14-07-2021 13:47 | Views: 28226
The 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival programme completed with great success its artistic, educational and scientific activities. The live activities lasted 18 days, from 13 to 31 May 2021. The steering committee of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival warmly thanks its audiences for their support to all the actions throught these days: the particularly encouraging comments strengthen the efforts for the next Audiovisual Arts Festival!
The European Art Science Technology Network, Digital Creativity (EASTN-DC) at the 14th AudioVisual Arts Festival
Posted: 24-05-2021 15:50 | Updated: 28-05-2021 14:11 | Views: 30590
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en  pdf.png  Eastn-DC Schedule (26,28/5/21)
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en  pdf.png  Eastn-DC Schedule Concert (30/5/21)
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The European Art Science Technology Network, Digital Creativity (EASTN-DC) at the 14th AudioVisual Arts Festival. May 26 - May 30, 2021.
Masterclass in performance art by Filippos Tsitsopoulos at the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival
Posted: 23-05-2021 11:57 | Views: 5278
The performance and visual artist Filippos Tsitsopoulos participates in the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival organized by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University as guest-instructor. Tsitsopoulos’ masterclass entitled “Fragile boat of our existence” is coordinated by Christina Mitsani, instructor of the course “Art of Performance” at the Department of Audio and Visual Arts. The masterclass, part of the AVschool 2021 program, the festival’s educational cycle, will take part on 25 May 2021, at 15:00-18:00 (EEST).
Pitching workshop during the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival with the collaboration of the Pitching Lab of Drama International Short Film Festival
Posted: 14-05-2021 10:39 | Updated: 22-05-2021 22:43 | Views: 5274
Under the Audiovisual Arts Festival organised by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts the Ionian University hosts a pitching event on May 26th, 2021 with the collaboration of the Pitching Lab of the Drama International Short Film Festival. Ten selected projects will be presented by the students of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts and the students of Open Art (Continuing & Lifelong Education Centre of Ionian University/ Department of Audio & Visual Arts). The main instructor of the workshop will be Barbara Douka (Head of the educational Lab of International Short Film Festival in Drama).
Discussing digital challenges for new media arts with Marta de Menezes at the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival
Posted: 22-05-2021 22:42 | Views: 4953
As part of AV-school 2021, the educational cycle of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival, the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University teams up with Cultivamos Cultura for a seminar entitled “arc-hive: Digital Challenges for New Media Arts”. The seminar, given by guest-artist Marta de Menezes, will take place on 27 May 2021, between 16:30-18:00 EEST.
Telematic performance and sound art workshops with EASTN-DC at the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival
Posted: 22-05-2021 22:38 | Views: 4973
On 26 May 2021, as part of AV-School 2021, the educational cycle of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival, the Department of Audio & Visual Arts presents three online workshops on telematic performance and sound art, coordinated by Iannis Zannos in collaboration with EASTN-DC (European Art-Science-Technology for Digital creativity).
Web Trends Seminar opening AV-school 2021 workshops cycle
Posted: 22-05-2021 22:34 | Views: 4794
“Web Trends 2021: Design, Production, Promotion”, taking place on 24 May 2021 (16:00-19:00 EEST), is aimed at anyone interested in the latest developments and the current trends in the Web ecosystem. Supervised by Andreas Giannakoulopoulos and Agis Konidaris the seminar counts with the power-house team of instructors Aris Labrogeorgos, Nikolas Grigoriou and Pigi Vardikou.
“How to hack science lingo like an artist” with Adam Zaretzky at the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival of the Ionian University
Posted: 22-05-2021 22:27 | Views: 5168
As part of AV-School 2021, the Seminar and Workshop cycle of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival, the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University presents “How to hack science lingo like an artist” by guest-artist Adam Zaretzky. The seminar will be held online, on 27 May 2021, between 14:00-16:00 EEST.
Open workshops cycle in contemporary art and new technologies at the Ionian University [online, 24-27 May 2021]
Posted: 19-05-2021 23:59 | Views: 28975
AV-school, the series of seminars and workshops of the Audiovisual Arts Festival, is taking place online this year from 24 to 27 May 2021. Among others, instructors at AV-school 2021 are the guest-artists: Filippos Tsitsopoulos, Barbara Douka, Adam Zaretsky and Marta de Menezes.
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