Telematic performance and sound art workshops with EASTN-DC at the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival

Posted: 22-05-2021 22:38 | Views: 4973

On 26 May 2021, as part of AV-School 2021, the educational cycle of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival, the Department of Audio & Visual Arts presents three online workshops on telematic performance and sound art, coordinated by Iannis Zannos in collaboration with EASTN-DC (European Art-Science-Technology for Digital creativity):

15:00 -16:00 EEST “Collaborative Sound Art Forms in Performance”, Agape Zarda, Filippos Vasiliou and Yannis Lefas on collaborative sound performance arts and live programming, through the environment and coding language of SuperCollider.

16:00 - 17:00 EEST, “TIMBIWORLD: How to build a musical videogame to change the world for the better” by Ricardo Climent, Manuel Ferrer and Alena Mesarosova, present the videogame art project on the online environment of

17:00 - 18:00, “Networked Live Coding”, Iannis Zannos, Nikos Charalambidis, Alexandra Charalambidi, Martin Carlé and Giorgos Diapoulis present a workshop, about online sharing of performance data through OSC.

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