Gina Giotaki

Gina Giotaki is Senior Lecturer in Dance Practices at Liverpool John Moores University. Her doctoral research focused on notions of embodiment, lived experience and subjectivity in dance making and somatic-informed contemporary performance training. Grounded on the embodiment paradigm, she also explored the emergent nature of dance forms as cultural practices. Over the past ten years, she has taught across a range of subjects relating to contemporary dance at the University of Peloponnese, Liverpool John Moores University and Coventry University. She has extensive artistic and pedagogic experience as a dance practitioner and has worked in collaboration with numerous organisations in Greece and abroad. Her research interests also focus on: a) the role of corporeality and lived experience in intermedial performance and Human Computer Interaction, b) applications of technology in the documentation of dance as intangible cultural heritage, and c) anthropological and historical methodologies for the research of dance practices as socially and historically situated structured movement systems.

Experiential Anatomy

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