Interaction: from reality to virtual reality. This course introduces the student in creating digital virtual environments and interacting with them. The Unity 3D machine is used in order to create educational environments, games or digital art installations and the script programming language C# is used so the user can interact with the digital environment. Some simple examples are presented.
virtual reality, gaming, unity-3D, C#
Objectives (hour):
1. Introduction to unity
2. Creating virtual environments
3. Coding with C# in order to interact with the environment
Prerequisites/advisable prior knowledge:
Basic programming knowledge will help students be more creative (coding with Unity).
Evaluation feedback:
Creating a small project with unity.
Recommended reading list:
• A. Thorn, Mastering Unity Scripting | PACKT Books. Packt Publishing, 2015
• E. Dr. Lavieri, Getting Started with Unity 5: Dr. Edward Lavieri: Packt Publishing, 2015.
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