The proposed lecture is about the relationship between the oral, the written and the digital storytelling in the museum context. Through a process of experiential exercises and hands on activities, the students will realize the importance of developing strong narrative skills in order to reach different target groups of the museum. As far as the digital storytelling is concerned, they will be taught how to produce a short length digital multimedia story using video editing software. Finally, students will become familiar with the the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Art - Corfu Annex and will create their own digital storytelling inspired by one or more works of art.
digital storytelling, oral speech, creative writing, experiential learning
Objectives (hour):
1. Knowledge of the differences between oral, written and digital speech
2. Familiarization with aspects of the oral speech
3. Familiarization with aspects of the creative writing, abiltity to identify the meaning of the words as plot, climax, katharsis, epeisode, scenario, etc
4. Familiarization with aspects of the digital storytelling, ability to create storyboards, ability to complete the visualization of the written scenario, ability to choose the media (pictures, sounds, narration, music) for the completion of the project
Prerequisites/advisable prior knowledge:
Advisable prior knowledge on the basics of narrative theory, narrative devices, semiotics of the image, basic video editing software knowledge
Evaluation feedback:
The evaluation will be based on the overall presence of the student during the workshops and on the finished digital storytelling piece that he/she will produce.
Recommended reading list:
Field, S. The screenwriters workbook, Dell Publishing Company, 1984 (first edition)
Kress, G., Leeuwen, T., Reading images: the grammar of visual design, Routledge, 1996
Lambert, J. Digital Storytelling: capturing lives, creating communities, Digital Diner Press, 2009
Lambert, J. Seven stages: Story and the human experience, Digital Diner Press, 2013
Ong, W. Orality and literacy: the technologizing of the word, Routledge, 2002
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