SuperCollider + IanniX with OSC

Workshop date and time: Sunday, May 18, 2014, 10.00 z
The department of Audio and Visual Arts of Ionian University in collaboration with Omer Chatziserif, within the framework of the 8th Audiovisual Arts festival, is presenting the workshop `SuperCollider + IanniX with OSC`.
SuperCollider - one of the most powerful enviroment for algorithmic music composition - is a real-time and object-oriented programing language for audio synthesis and processing. IanniX is a graphical open source sequencer, based on Iannis Xenakis works, for digital art.
During the 3-hour workshop we will create digital synthesizers (SynthDef), which will be controlled with the sequences created in IanniX, through OSC messages.
Workshops' Instructors
Omer ChatziserifBack to workshops