3rd International Conference

Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges

Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology

Online, May 28-29, 2021

Design an Algorithm Using Multi Key Encryption Scheme for Securing Data in Cloud Computing Environment
Roshni Nigwal, Ranjeet Osari

Due to the openness of cloud storage privacy and security problems are major concern that need to be solved we must use new method for cloud storage security enhancement. By implementing Cloud storage many business related security issues and problems and threats will be resolved. By implementation of this proposed work we can increased cloud storage security using encryption, decryption, compression, sharing technique. We understand the security issues related with cloud storage. We provide high quality services to the users. Provide high data security in cloud based environment (Multi Key Encryption Scheme) using steganography, encryption and decryption. To minimizing the data uploading and downloading time on cloud storage. This paper has discusses the various benefits and major security challenges of cloud computing, it also highlights the various cryptographic encryption algorithms as the major solution of security challenges. Moreover this paper has Design an Algorithm Using Multi Key Encryption Scheme for Securing Data in Cloud Computing Environment/


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