The paper aims to present the artistic outcome of OPEN ART Education Training program for Lifelong Learning taking place by Ionian University of Greece with the sponsorship of Athens Digital Arts Festival (ADAF). This paper explores applications of Arduino boards as a tool for study and research works in an Art Project named THREA 2020.
Keywords: Arduino, Microcontrollers, DIY, DIWO, Interactive Arts, Music Education, Audiovisual Sculpture, Midi, Ableton, Max/Msp, Led Art, Ambient Music, Caleiduino, Conclusion
Today, with increasing number of artists, educators, experimenters and musicians, using
open-source software and hardware devices day after day, technology is forming a new dimension in arts by creating intricate things look easier and different from common art.
The main advantage of the integration of open-source software and hardware are affordable and reliable technology at a very low cost.
Threa 2020 and Threa mini interactive sound art installation is a research-creative project that aims the awakening of the participants. It is a non-static object related to the viewers and the broader social context, it bends our attention to artistic practices that are part of public spaces. This case study is aiming to use art as an interactive universal language and demonstrate open-source technologies as the medium to create digital arts. Projects, as the aforementioned, attempt to demonstrate the power of art and its ubiquitous influence in modern artistic practices.
“Reflections: Bridges between Technology and Culture, Physical and Virtual”
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