4th International Conference

Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges

Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology

Hybrid - Corfu/Online, May 13-14, 2022

The Ballad of Sonnetine
Date and Time: 13/05/2022 (17:40-19:25)
Scott Ennis

The Ballad of Sonnetine is a cinematic sonnettics sequence. It is 14 sonnets that are illustrated/animated to tell a story.
The sonnettics sequence is part of the evolution of one of the most well-known lyric poems, the sonnet.
The sonnettics sequence is 14 sonnets, a sonnet of sonnets. It also allows for the incorporation of media, such as illustration/cinematic elements and music, all of which lend themselves beautifully to the sonnet’s evolution.
In this story, Sonnetine is the name of the mate a sonneteer pursues. The story details the quest and consequence of a sonneteer in pursuing his love.
The Ballad of Sonnetine is written and read by Scott Ennis with illustrations by Anna Bazyl.
The total length of the cinematic sonnettics sequence, Sonnetine is 12:30 and can be reviewed at: https://youtu.be/diYy7WAO8iw

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