3rd International Conference

Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges

Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology

Corfu, May 15-16, 2020


Welcome to the 3rd International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges. DCAC2020 will again afford an exceptional opportunity for renewing old acquaintances, making new contacts, offering a worldwide connection between researchers and lecturers, from a wide range of academic fields, facilitating partnerships across national and disciplinary borders. This International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges will be held in Corfu (Greece) and is hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University).

The aim of the DCAC 2020 is to bring together technology, art and culture in the Digital Era, as well as to provide a forum on current research and applications incorporating technology, art and culture, to deepen cooperation, exchange experiences and good practices.

Researchers, artists and scholars are encouraged to participate in the discussion about the interaction between interdisciplinary creativity, technology, arts and culture. Authors are invited to present original papers for oral or poster presentation in the fields of New Media Arts and Digital Culture.

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