Comparison of before and after pandemic COVID-19 healthcare workers’ job satisfication in a public academic hospital in Greece. The power of digital storytelling in self-expression
Date and Time: 13/10/2022 (10:35-12:15)
Effie Giannou, Vasileios Gialamas, Evika Karamagioli
Keywords: Coronavirus, hospital, healthcare workers, organizational culture, Job Satisfication, Digital Storytelling, Self-expression

The hypothesis that low job satisfaction and organization commitment among general healthcare workers may be associated with poor quality supporting plan during a crisis as a result of organizational culture type was investigated. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of COVID-19 on a job satisfaction using pre- and post- pandemic data of an academic public pandemic hospital in Athens.

The study was restricted to one large, multispecialty Athens’s academic hospital. Two hundred twenty-six hospital healthcare workers were invited to participate by e-mail. The Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (JSQ) was used to measure working satisfaction. Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) helped measure employee's organizational commitment. In the same, Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) was used to diagnose organization’s culture. Healthcare workers were also asked for socio-demographic information, medical specialty, hospital status compared to the previous year and the intention to continue working in the hospital.

The first measurement took place in the spring of 2019, before the start of the pandemic. Then 126 health workers participated in the survey and their job satisfaction was measured in comparison to the type of organizational culture that prevailed in the hospital. The second measurement took place from spring to summer 2021, one year after the start of the coronavirus pandemic. One hundred healthcare workers were participating by e-mail.

Data from 226 questionnaires were included in the analyses. The first measurement found that organizational commitment and job satisfaction range to moderate levels. The second measurement (two years after) was shown that the organizational commitment and job satisfaction range from low to moderate levels and so did the intention to leave the job. Also, organizational commitment is positively and statistically significant correlated with job satisfaction and organizational culture type, and negatively with the intention to leave (p<0,05). Negative correlation was also found between job satisfaction and the intention to leave the job (p<0,05) while the four only demographic variables that affect the above factors are gender, age, years of service and the type of job (p<0,05). Nurses were less satisfied at work than doctors It is noteworthy that other healthcare specialties (laboratorians, radiologists) were satisfied at approximately the same levels as in 2018 compared to nurses and doctors.

Only 40% completely agreed with the statement “If I had to start my career over again, I would choose my current specialty,” while 85% completely agreed with the statement “I am not well compensated given my training and experience”. The greater point of satisfaction was the relationship with healthcare workers colleagues.

Regarding the organizational culture that dominated the hospital, it was one of hierarchy. Everything is based on control and the goal of leadership is to get things done without surprises. This particular culture does not particularly satisfy employees, who desire the culture of innovation and familiarity as suitable types, as they focus on innovation, teamwork and sharing.

Our research focused on the results of the quantitative study, which were used for the second step of the qualitative study using digital storytelling as a good practice, self-expression process, reflection and acquiring new skills through various modes of digital media. Fifteen health professionals (5 doctors, 5 nurses, 5 health specialists) participated in 4 meetings (each lasting two hours) of a story-cycle (process of digital storytelling) via teleconference. They shared their experiences, exchanged thoughts and felt relief. They were also trained in the steps of digital storytelling, video editing and finally created their stories. The subjects chosen by the participants were work burnout, stress, the death of patients, the absence of psychological support at work.

In conclusion, the participants were satisfied with their profession, to the academic environment and the relationship with colleagues. But, the points of dissatisfaction were inadequate remuneration, the fact that work invaded personal time, burn-out due to staff and infrastructure shortages and the lack of psychological support. Health professionals need to share their experiences, to express the tremendous physical and emotional challenges that they face daily, need to regularly express their needs to reflect and grow in a safe environment. Digital storytelling as a means of self-expression has been shown to improve personal growth and raise self-awareness. Healthcare workers have an opportunity for self-reflection, a healthy stress outlet. Digital storytelling has affirmed the value of creating stories as a tool in healthcare workers development and attention to self-care. There is a need for organizations to examine the impact of their procedures, structures and policies on the quality of life of healthcare workers. Our research shown, organizations may be worse off than if the change strategy had not been attempted in the first place. Modifying organizational culture, in other words, is a key to the successful implementation of major improvement strategies as well as adaptation to the increasing turbulent environment faced by modern organizations.


EUTIC 2022

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