Breaking the constraints of a conventional theater stage.
Opera increasingly turns to video projection as a way of breaking the constraints of a conventional stage.
The important role of the video projection designer, his relationship with the stage director and set designer as well as his contribution to the development of the dramaturgy of a show, create a new professional orientation with perspectives.
The creative choices that will best serve the direction of a show, in relation to the development of technology, the technical potentials of each theater stage and above all the spectacle, are the challenges of future theater and opera performances.
Projection mapping is an art that is used by artists and designers in order to create optical illusions, and notions of movement onto previously static objects, where the video is commonly combined with or triggered by audio to create an audiovisual narrative.
In more than 25 years involvement with the Pro Audio & Video business, Christos Tsakiridis participated in more than 5000 recordings and CD releases as an engineer/tonmeister, he colaborated in more than 50 TV live broadcast recordings as a musical director-tonmeister for the national TV channel ERT and he contributed in 20 TV live broadcast recordings of operas and ballet. Since 2010 he has been collaborating with the Greek National Opera making video projections for opera and ballet performances and since 2015 he has also been acting as a multi-camera director preparing videos for broadcasting on the GNO TV channel. As from 2018, he has been in charge for the newly established visual department of the Greek National Opera.