Rapid development of streaming platforms must have been noticed in recent years. Currently, the avarage user does have a vary offer of distributors and producers, who are willing to share their content to their subscribers. The main goal of my essay was to indicate a space for VOD industry in culture studies’ discourse. Moreover, I did try to give an answer for the title question, if we live in „the culture of Netflix”? In this term Netflix is being used as an symbol of group of streaming platforms that gather huge audiences, shape new routines, change users’ behaviour and develop daily habits. The research method was a theoretical analysis of the term „culture of Netflix” based on highly different defnitions of culture, including works of Zygmunt Bauman, Clifford Geertz and semiologists of Tartu. This variety of approaches allowed to analyse the subject from many points of theoretical view and to describe the term in unique aspects. The results did prove that VOD industry will play even more significant role in culture practices and processes in the future and they did show that streaming platforms demonstrate some „culture marks” in every theoretical analysis.