International Conference

Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges

Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology

Corfu, June 1-2, 2018


Audiovisual Arts Festival 2022 events program closing

Posted: 06-06-2022 12:59 | Views: 22442

The 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival concluded yesterday a 3-week events program, celebrating its return live, after two years, to Corfu town. The annual festival of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University is organized in collaboration with the Lab for Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications of the Department of Music Studies.

This year's festival took place from May 12 to June 5, 2022 and included a wide range of art events, workshops and conference presentations. The opening of the festival took place with the exhibition of Dimitris Zouroudis "Portolan charts for disoriented signalers" at the Municipal Gallery of Corfu: the first extensive - though not complete - presentation of a series of works created by the artist with this theme.

The timeline of the festival’s program unfolded in two sections, opening with scientific and educational activities and closing with artistic events in the fields of visual and sonic arts. The first part was the International Conference "Digital Cultures and AudioVisual Challenges", with guest speaker the internationally renowned Professor Alexandros Iosifidis from the University of Aarhus, Denmark, followed by the open cycle of seminars and workshops "AV-School" focusing on film creation and feminist performance art with instructors such as the well-known screenwriter Panagiotis Iosifelis, film theorist Marios Psaras and performance artists Barbara Bridger, Sarahleigh Castelyn, Noèlia Diaz-Vicedo and Georgia Kalogeropoulou.

In the second part of the festival program, the artistic events focused on works by students, professors and international guest-artists such as the visual artists Klitsa Antoniou, Giannis Christidis, Nicos Synnos, Antonis Volanakis and the musicians Simon Barry Smith, Brona Martin, Thomas Tombach . Works from all academic levels of artistic studies (undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral) were presented demonstrating the results of this year's classes efforts at the Department of Audio & Visual Arts and the Department of Music Studies. From May 22 to June 5 were presented several video screenings, electro-acoustic music concerts, exhibitions in photography, illustration-comics and art installations as well as a series of live performances and gaming events. To these were also added a book presentation of audiovisual art research by the teaching staff and the theatrical performance "Sleep Stella" by Giannis Oikonomidis from the student group AVARTS THEATER. 

Finally, noteworthy are the collaborations with the Athens Digital Arts Festival, the International Drama Short Film Festival, the Chania Film Festival, the Cyprus University of Technology, the Institute of Experimental Arts and the European Art-Science-Technology Network for Digital Creativity (EAST-DC), and of particular importance are the support of local public and private institutions and of the volunteer students of the Ionian University.

So let us close with a positive note and renew our appointment for the next Audiovisual Arts Festival!

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