International Conference

Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges

Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology

Corfu, June 1-2, 2018


15th Audiovisual Arts Festival [12/05 - 05/06/2022]

Posted: 10-03-2022 11:08 | Updated: 01-04-2022 12:04 | Views: 27278

Festival’s Official Website:

The 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival at the Ionian University is organized once again by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts in collaboration with the Electroacoustic Music Research & Applications Lab - Dept. Music Studies.

The program of the 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival, which will take place on Μay 12th to June 5th 2022, covers, as every year, a wide range of artistic, educational and scientific activities.

Focusing on the artistic creation of the students, within the framework of the Festival, the 4th International Conference on Digital Cultures & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC) on 13-14 May and the the 8th season of seminars-workshops AVschool organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts takes place online on 15-20 May, 2022.

Detailed information for the Festival’s program, the artistic, educational and scientific activities and the invited guests will be available soon.

Admission to all art events is free.

International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2022):

AVschool 2022 - Open workshops and seminars cycle:

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