Continuous upward trajectory for the Department of Audio & Visual Arts

Posted: 09-08-2022 13:40 | Views: 4349

The announcement of the bases of admission to the Higher Educational Institutions for the academic year 2022-2023 made by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs on Thursday July 28 2022 had some very positive elements for the Department of Audio & Visual Arts that highlight its distinct and unique physiognomy, while at the same time confirming its upward trajectory that continued this year, the second year of implementation of the minimum admission requirements measure.

Despite the challenges brought by this measure to regional universities, the Department of Audio & Visual Arts absorbed, for the second year in a row, the total number of positions that had been set by the Ministry and improved all the quantitative indicators showing an increase in grading for both the first and last admission positions. In relation to the preferences of the candidates, the Department of Audio & Visual Arts has been for a long time the first choice of a very large number of its new students which seems to indicate that the department is preferred by high-achieving candidates. This assumption is also confirmed by this year's results, where more than half of the department's positions were filled by candidates who had the Department of Audio & Visual Arts as their first preference!

The great popularity of the department is confirmed over time with a very large number of preferences that rank it in the highest 5% nationwide. This year the Department of Audio & Visual Arts further improved its ranking from 26th to 24th out of 456 Departments, thus maintaining its longstanding profile as a dynamic and modern academic department that keeps pace with developments and speaks directly to the wishes and expectations of prospective students.

Happy academic year!

See in details: "Grades Requirements" page

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